xpm_fifo_async #( .CDC_SYNC_STAGES(2), // DECIMAL .DOUT_RESET_VALUE("0"), // String .ECC_MODE("no_ecc"), // String .FIFO_MEMORY_TYPE("auto"), // String .FIFO_READ_LATENCY(1), // DECIMAL .FIFO_WRITE_DEPTH(2048), // DECIMAL .FULL_RESET_VALUE(0), // DECIMAL .PROG_EMPTY_THRESH(10), // DECIMAL .PROG_FULL_THRESH(10), // DECIMAL .RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH(1), // DECIMAL .READ_DATA_WIDTH(32), // DECIMAL .READ_MODE("std"), // String .RELATED_CLOCKS(0), // DECIMAL .SIM_ASSERT_CHK(0), // DECIMAL; 0=disable simulation messages, 1=enable simulation messages .USE_ADV_FEATURES("0707"), // String .WAKEUP_TIME(0), // DECIMAL .WRITE_DATA_WIDTH(32), // DECIMAL .WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH(1) // DECIMAL ) xpm_fifo_async_inst ( .almost_empty(almost_empty), // 1-bit output: Almost Empty : When asserted, this signal indicates that // only one more read can be performed before the FIFO goes to empty. .almost_full(almost_full), // 1-bit output: Almost Full: When asserted, this signal indicates that // only one more write can be performed before the FIFO is full. .data_valid(data_valid), // 1-bit output: Read Data Valid: When asserted, this signal indicates // that valid data is available on the output bus (dout). .dbiterr(dbiterr), // 1-bit output: Double Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected // a double-bit error and data in the FIFO core is corrupted. .dout(dout), // READ_DATA_WIDTH-bit output: Read Data: The output data bus is driven // when reading the FIFO. .empty(empty), // 1-bit output: Empty Flag: When asserted, this signal indicates that the // FIFO is empty. Read requests are ignored when the FIFO is empty, // initiating a read while empty is not destructive to the FIFO. .full(full), // 1-bit output: Full Flag: When asserted, this signal indicates that the // FIFO is full. Write requests are ignored when the FIFO is full, // initiating a write when the FIFO is full is not destructive to the // contents of the FIFO. .overflow(overflow), // 1-bit output: Overflow: This signal indicates that a write request // (wren) during the prior clock cycle was rejected, because the FIFO is // full. Overflowing the FIFO is not destructive to the contents of the // FIFO. .prog_empty(prog_empty), // 1-bit output: Programmable Empty: This signal is asserted when the // number of words in the FIFO is less than or equal to the programmable // empty threshold value. It is de-asserted when the number of words in // the FIFO exceeds the programmable empty threshold value. .prog_full(prog_full), // 1-bit output: Programmable Full: This signal is asserted when the // number of words in the FIFO is greater than or equal to the // programmable full threshold value. It is de-asserted when the number of // words in the FIFO is less than the programmable full threshold value. .rd_data_count(rd_data_count), // RD_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Read Data Count: This bus indicates the // number of words read from the FIFO. .rd_rst_busy(rd_rst_busy), // 1-bit output: Read Reset Busy: Active-High indicator that the FIFO read // domain is currently in a reset state. .sbiterr(sbiterr), // 1-bit output: Single Bit Error: Indicates that the ECC decoder detected // and fixed a single-bit error. .underflow(underflow), // 1-bit output: Underflow: Indicates that the read request (rd_en) during // the previous clock cycle was rejected because the FIFO is empty. Under // flowing the FIFO is not destructive to the FIFO. .wr_ack(wr_ack), // 1-bit output: Write Acknowledge: This signal indicates that a write // request (wr_en) during the prior clock cycle is succeeded. .wr_data_count(wr_data_count), // WR_DATA_COUNT_WIDTH-bit output: Write Data Count: This bus indicates // the number of words written into the FIFO. .wr_rst_busy(wr_rst_busy), // 1-bit output: Write Reset Busy: Active-High indicator that the FIFO // write domain is currently in a reset state. .din(din), // WRITE_DATA_WIDTH-bit input: Write Data: The input data bus used when // writing the FIFO. .injectdbiterr(injectdbiterr), // 1-bit input: Double Bit Error Injection: Injects a double bit error if // the ECC feature is used on block RAMs or UltraRAM macros. .injectsbiterr(injectsbiterr), // 1-bit input: Single Bit Error Injection: Injects a single bit error if // the ECC feature is used on block RAMs or UltraRAM macros. .rd_clk(rd_clk), // 1-bit input: Read clock: Used for read operation. rd_clk must be a free // running clock. .rd_en(rd_en), // 1-bit input: Read Enable: If the FIFO is not empty, asserting this // signal causes data (on dout) to be read from the FIFO. Must be held // active-low when rd_rst_busy is active high. .rst(rst), // 1-bit input: Reset: Must be synchronous to wr_clk. The clock(s) can be // unstable at the time of applying reset, but reset must be released only // after the clock(s) is/are stable. .sleep(sleep), // 1-bit input: Dynamic power saving: If sleep is High, the memory/fifo // block is in power saving mode. .wr_clk(wr_clk), // 1-bit input: Write clock: Used for write operation. wr_clk must be a // free running clock. .wr_en(wr_en) // 1-bit input: Write Enable: If the FIFO is not full, asserting this // signal causes data (on din) to be written to the FIFO. Must be held // active-low when rst or wr_rst_busy is active high. ); |